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The Many
Faces of Gina.

PoorPeopleCo. present

August 7th, 6-8PM
The Commons

An exhibition dedicated to the parasitic worm that pilots the skin suit of Gina Rinehart.


If one portrait sent her into an adult tantrum, we hope a room full of them will make her head explode.


We all know who Gina Rinehart is.


Coming in hot as number one on the list of Australia's richest people, Gina Rinehart has a net worth of $31.3 billion.


Her love for coal and coins makes Hoggish Greedly (perhaps the greatest Captain Planet villain) look like a socialist eco-warrior.


She swindled her children out of their inheritance of stolen money in an elaborate scheme.

She believes climate change is propaganda peddled by extremist environmentalists.


She thinks Margaret Thatcher is an inspirational figure.

She's using her hoarded wealth to host multiple lavish dinners at $14,000 a head with "no strings attached" for Peter Dutton.

She's been caught schmoozing with Donald Trump at his 2024 presidential campaign.


In her eyes, this is all fine.


Her recent portrait by Vincent Namatijra, however, is apparently where she draws the moral line.


Artists everywhere are baffled by this adult tantrum.


Why is this billionaire, who seems completely unfazed by criticisms of her grotesque fortune, unethical business model, and rampant environmental destruction, so perturbed by an artist’s representation of her?


Namatijra’s (brilliant) portrait begins to show what lies beneath her fleshy face, but does not really shine a light on the festering putrescence that is her soul, her core.


We clearly need to finish what Namatjira started.


As such, the art collective Poor People is curating an exhibition dedicated to Gina & the parasitic worm that pilots her skin suit.


If she's upset by one artist’s depiction of her face, we hope multiple depictions of her soul will make her head explode.

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